In a nationwide t-shirt design contest for Showtime's "Dexter", my design finished 2nd place overall and was sold in the Showtime store for over 3 years.

Lake Travis High School LaCrosse Team Jersey

Lake Travis High School LaCrosse requested new, edgy, warrior for tshirt.

Lake Travis High School LaCrosse Alternate edgy warrior T-shirt

Client requested a vintage style biker look for company T-shirt.

Client requested a vintage and classic gas station sign look for company T-shirt.

Client requested classic Jack Daniels look for company T-shirt.

Client requested this UFC fighter shirt as black and white and highlighting color and crown in color.

Client requested this UFC fighter shirt with the image showing through their famous quote.

Client requested this retro, yet grungy, funny quoted shirt for guitar enthusiasts.

Client requested a Breaking Bad / Heisenberg style ugly Christmas sweater design.

Client requested the trending phrase / song Whip Nae Nae as an ugly Christmas sweater design.